Thursday, July 26, 2012


Pat, one of two dogs that own the property.  The paths are being made for their pleasure, and mine as I watch them run.  It's a great way to spend time with them, out on the property.  Being able to spend time with the dogs this way has makes developing strong bonds and training routines easier.  Everyone feels better after a hour walking.

A very steep path cut from above

To the left, below you can see what remains of nearly 8' high brush and raspberry brambles.  The path crests a central pasture on the property, dropping again on the back to a wet-holler before ascending again to the highest part of the property on an adjacent pasture hillside.  I'll continue working with this path until it's covered in low growth, native grasses.


The beauty of the land waking up

Early morning.  Without paths, I'd never be able to see this.

Small miracles along the way...

First Paths.

Paths and clearings showing the house and Bethel Valley to the South East.  Blond areas are recently cleared.  Within a matter of months they will be covered with clover and flowering grasses.  The winding path to the left  is steep, rising to  the highest part of BluSkyFarm, at about 3800' ASL.  The view is spectacular!
This clearing is on the sloping face of a descending pasture with full southern exposure.  The upper, center section will be used for vegetable gardens surrounded by clover mowed lawn and wild grass-fields.  The broad, ascending path on the lower right climbs an equivalent of a 4 story building over a span of  150'.  It's steep, and angular, slowing the ascent enough to provide time to watch the path unravel in front, and above you, finally opening on to the central garden above.  The view from here, looking South, South-West overlooks Bethel Valley.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Purpose of Paths

Paths creates a simple means of moving from one place to another.  Without Paths we wander, if dare venture at all, through a maze of brambles and brush that for the most part prevent us from appreciating the land we own including the beauties and sometimes dangers around us. 

Paths allow us to stroll at a comfortable pace to relaxing, shady gardens, beautiful views and cool, comfortable breezes. Paths provide access not only to the land we own, and love, but invite us to bring friends, family, our dogs, a book, perhaps someone who needs a friend and a quiet place to think.

Land is a gift that we're called on to care for. In turn it provides us with nourishment, relaxation and a clear spaces to experience the peace we are designed to feel and share. 

Our land is waiting for a chance to perform is greatest task; nourishing mind, soul and spirit, in the comfort of familiar, safe places.  When we walk, and care for our land we see the hand and glories of creation everywhere.  This a great and wonderful gift waiting to be enjoyed.